
Community Based New Born Care Service Utilization and Factors Associated With it among Women of Reproductive Age Group Who Gave Birth in the Past One Year in Malga Woreda, Sidama Regional State, Ethiopia, 2020

Background: According to Ethiopian demographic health survey 2016 on Community based new born care service utilization indicators revealed that 32% of mothers had four or more ANC visits, 26% Health facility delivery, 17% PNC care within 2 days. The main purpose of this article was to assess community based new born care service utilization and factors associated with it among women of reproductive age group who gave birth in the past one year in Malga Woreda, Sidama Regional State, Ethiopia, 2020. Methods: Community-based cross-sectional survey design was used in Malga woredas, Sidama Regional state, Ethiopia from July to August 2020. Simple random sampling techniques were used to select women who gave bath in last one year. Complementary log log regression model was used to identify the factors associated with CBNC service utilization. Results: 40.5% (n=243) have Community based newborn care service utilization. Women, who had ANC visits (ARR=5.3, 95%, CI: 1.9, 14.7), women in urban areas (ARR 4.8; 95% CI: 3.4, 6.7), women who gave birth at Health institution (ARR=9.0, 95% CI: 1.8, 45.9) and women who were not heard about CBNC service (ARR 0.1; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.6) were found to be major contributing factors with CBNC service utilization. Conclusion: Factors associated with Community based new-born care service utilization include: ANC visit place of residence, heard about CBNC service and place of delivery


Haimanaot Bulasho1 , Kaleab Tesfaye Tegegne2*, Abiyu Ayalew Assefa2 , Eleni Tesfaye Tegegne3 and Mekibib Kassa Tessema

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